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An Interview with Marie Tuhart (@marietuhart @goddessfish) #giveaway


How did you start writing erotica?

Around 2002 when I took a class from Jan Springer on erotic romance I enjoy the freedom erotic romance gives me.

What’s your favourite published work of yours and why?

This question is a hard one for me because I love all my published works. It’s hard for me to pick just one, they’re all my babies and I love them equally.

What erotic authors do you enjoy reading?

Another hard one, right now: Grace Goodwin, MK Eidem, Leora Gonzales, Nalini Singh (she writes super hot), Evangeline Anderson

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Everywhere. I can be watching TV and think what if this happened then what would happen next. Or just day dreaming about something. Inspiration is everywhere for me.

Do you have any unusual writing rituals?

Not really, I’m a white noise person so either the radio or TV is always on, I can’t write in total quiet.

Where’s your favourite place to write?

My office, the family room and the library.

Who is your favourite character from one of your stories and why?

If I had to pick one it would be Jared from Saddle Up, he drew me in from the beginning and told me when I was writing how I was writing him wrong and showed me his true character

Do your nearest and dearest know what you do, and if so, what was their reaction when they found out?

All of my family knows I write, some don’t know just how sexy I write. Everyone thinks it’s great that there is a writer in the family

What was your ideal career when you were a child?

Oh my, that would have been something in entertainment. I used to make up plays and use my stuff animals to act them out to my family

How do you get yourself in the mood to write?

I sit down at the computer – laughs – I really don’t have to get myself in the mood, I sit down and write, that’s what works for me.

What’s the best writing tip you’ve ever been given?

Write the next book

If you get writer’s block, how do you get around it?

If it happens, I’ll usually read a book, or do something around the house. I give my brain permission to relax and then the words start flowing once again.

If you could bring one of your characters to life, which one would it be and why?

Joe Bradshaw because Joe is so much fun in Passionate Desire, I’d love to met him in real life.

Which author, erotic or otherwise would you love to meet and why?

Robin Schone. She was one of the first erotic romance authors I read in the late 90’s. I loved her work and have read all her books.

What’s your favourite genre within erotica and why?

Science fiction/alien/other worlds – I always enjoyed science fiction/fantasy books when I was a teenager, and I love how the men can be alpha without having to worry about being politically correct, but also the women who tame them.

What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment, I’m working on book 3 in my Desert Destiny Series, and later this year I’ll be working on book 2 in the McMillan Passion Series

What’s the biggest writing challenge you’ve ever taken on? Did you succeed?

For me the biggest challenge was when I wrote Bound & Teased. I’d never written a committed ménage book before and in the middle of writing it, my two hero’s decided they were going to have a relationship with each other as well. I’ve read male/male books but never written it. I’d like to say I succeeded. My editor liked it.

What’s your biggest writing achievement? Why?

To continue writing what I enjoy writing. This is important to me because as the market changes, while I do keep an eye on it, I enjoy writing erotic romance and want to continue to enjoy my work. That’s not saying I’m not dabbling in other romance sub-genres, but I want to be happy with what I write, not just write it because it’s a new trend.


Highland DomBLURB:

Sexual education professor and dominant Cameron McMillan has had his eye on the submissive, sexy cafe owner since she settled in his hometown four years ago, but he was already in a relationship. But that fell apart, and after soothing his heart while teaching at the University in Scotland, he’s back. Cameron is ready to see if Kristen is interested in acting on the sexy words she whispered to him at his farewell party. He doesn’t want to wait another day to introduce her to the world of BDSM…if she’s willing.

Kristen Caldwell never thought Cameron would act on her whispered invitation to tie her up and spank her…liquor and him being an ocean away had made her brave. But he has returned, and she’s tentative but ready to explore her kinky side despite past failures with other partners. The sexy and dominate professor might be just what she needs in the bedroom, though she worries about what others will think if she’s seen with him. Will a relationship with Cameron put her successful business at risk?

Things start out great, but Kristen’s fears and shadows in her past rear their ugly head, threatening more their relationship. She has to decide whether to stand up for what she wants or run…again.

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“I expect more of this.” His lips covered hers in a gentle but firm kiss.

Her mouth was warm and soft against his. He was careful to nip and lick at her lips playfully, not to demand too much. Her body relaxed against his as he slipped an arm around her waist, holding her close.

When her lips parted and her tongue touched his, Cameron couldn’t resist. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth, taking his time, tasting her sweetness before tangling with hers. He kept his touch firm on the back of her neck but not constraining.

Kristen’s arms lifted and entwined around his neck as the kiss went on and on. His kiss grew hard, then back to soft. He nipped at her lips before taking her mouth again, their tongues tasting and playing with each other.

He lifted his head, and she gulped in a big breath.

He chuckled before dropping a kiss on her nose. “You taste so sweet. I want to gobble you up.” His lips slid over her cheek to her ear, nipping at the lobe.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Marie Tuhart lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her muse, Penny, a four pound toy poodle. Marie loves to read and write, when she’s not writing, she spends time with family, traveling and enjoying life.

Marie is a multi-published author with The Wild Rose Press, Trifecta Publishing and does some self-publishing. To be alerted on new releases on Amazon or Book Bub. Also you can join Marie’s newsletter where she gives her group advance information on her books, runs contests and does giveaways just for newsletter readers. Marie can also be found on Goodreads, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

Find Marie on the Web:

Website: www.marietuhart.com

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MarieTuhartAuthor/

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4190063.Marie_Tuhart

Twitter @marietuhart

Pinterest www.pinterest.com/marietuhart

Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/marie-tuhart

Amazon Author page: http://amazon.com/author/marietuhart

Sign up for Marie’s newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/bmWUZH



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