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Vampires are My Kink – A Guest Post by Sara Dobie Bauer (@SaraDobie)


RavenousVampires are a kink and have been for centuries. And that’s not an immortality joke. I’m serious. Ever since Bram Stoker scared the bejeezus out of pretty much the entirety of Europe, we’ve been fixated on bloodsuckers. I’m definitely not immune, although for me, it didn’t start with Dracula but with Lestat and Louis.

Arguably, sixth grade was a little early to be reading something as sensual as Interview with the Vampire, but I probably didn’t even notice the sexual undertones at the time. Or maybe I did, considering reading that book solidified in me what would become a lifetime love for these creatures of the night.

When you really think about it, having a vampire kink is pretty … dark.

They’re technically dead.

They sort of want to kill you.

They literally cut you open with their teeth.

They are way stronger than you and could do whatever they want to you.

Usually, they hunt you before they date you.

Usually, they end up obsessed with you for eternity.

And again: they’re DEAD.

Granted, vampires are often ridiculously good looking with fabulous clothes and seemingly limitless dough. They would (and could) protect you at any cost. I mean, that stuff is indeed sexy, but again, you’re shtupping a dead person.

Shrug. I’m still in.

I have written so many short stories and novels with vampire protagonists. You read right: my vampires are always the protagonists (even if they’re anti-heroes).

Romantic comedy Bite Somebody features Celia, an awkward vampirewhose fangs “boing” out of her head at the least opportune moments.

The scorching hot Escape Trilogy features bad boy Andrew—an ancient vampire who seduces the hell out of sexy human sailor Edmund.

My story in the Ravenous anthology, “Forever Dead” follows violent vamp Dario as he literally breaks into his eventual lover’s house and loses his damn mind with lust for snarky detective Zach.

Next year, my novel Handsome Death stars possibly my most morally questionable vampire Ethan as he hunts … er, protects his beautiful young prey Tristan.

Besides Celia, we’re dealing with some bad guys, okay? But readers still think they’re sexy—and I agree!

There’s danger inherent in the vampire kink. Maybe this goes back to the clichéd fascination with bad boys/girls. Or maybe we like the thought of being an object of obsession. Maybe we’re just into a bit of pain with our pleasure.

Regardless of the reason, vampires are here, they’re sexy, and they’re not going anywhere. Do you have a vampire kink, too?


Sara Dobie BauerBio

Sara Dobie Bauer is a bestselling author, model, mental health speaker, and LGBTQ advocate with a creative writing degree from Ohio University. She lives with her hottie husband and two precious pups in Northeast Ohio, although she’d really like to live in a Tim Burton film. She is author of the Bite Somebody series and Escape Trilogy, among other ridiculous things.

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Website: https://saradobiebauer.com/

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Dark. Brooding. Tortured. Sexy.

Vampires are a mystery, morphing through history from maligned villains to sparkling saviors and back again. They can be the ultimate bad boys, the supreme seductresses, or the evil monsters. They fascinate and repel us at the same time. What other creature can steal into your bedroom in the depths of the night to stalk or protect? What other ancient being is so accessible yet so powerful? What other enigma is desired as much as feared?

Cross the threshold into a world of insatiable heroes and voracious heroines. RAVENOUS explores saucy, sexy, and sweet tales: of forbidden vampire/vampire hunter love, vampire threesomes in space, kink as only a vampire could enjoy it… and so much more.

Edited by Ariel Jade and with contributions from Wendy Nikel, Jaap Boekestein, Sara Dobie Bauer, Violet R. Jones, V. Hummingbird, Dale Cameron Lowry, R. Michael Burns, and Tiffany Michelle Brown.

Don’t forget to bring your garlic–just in case.

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34704763-ravenous

Webpage: http://www.penandkinkpub.com/home/books/triskaidekaphilia/2-ravenous/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074KM3WNJ/

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/ebook/ravenous-33

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ravenous-wendy-nikel/1127218345?ean=2940155741800

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1429229978

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