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OUT NOW—Adventures in Fetishland Book 2 – The White Queen by S. Nano


Introduction from the author

This is a Release Blitz for ‘Adventures in Fetishland Book 2 – The White Queen’, recently published by the House of Erotica. This book has never been published before. Book 1, its prequel, now re-published by the House of Erotica, has been featured in another recent Release Blitz. Book 2 develops the role of the character, Kim. The extract of the book reproduced here illustrates the theme of it.


Kim: “You thought Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland were strange. Well, let me tell you, my adventures are way weirder!… I’m the ninth daughter of a ninth daughter. The only survivor of my family from needless slaughter. Now, it’s been impressed on me this is a big deal, this makes me somebody special… even powerful. The number nine has a great mystical significance. It symbolizes spiritual awakening, universal love, karma… and the energy of the Goddess. These magical qualities run right back through my lineage because it turns out I’m the direct descendent of a 16th century Slavic woodland spirit called Goddess Samovila”

Kim has been brought to Mistress Nemesis’s dungeon and premises in Leeds where her relationship with the dominatrix has developed, and the Mistress (or The Red Queen) explains something about Kim’s background to her. In addition to this, the Church, overseen by Pope Innocent XIV and Cardinal Spinola, has been monitoring Kim’s past with concern because it is conscious of the power she might possess. Kim is also becoming aware of her importance.

The Cardinal seeks the support of Sister Domexia, a female supporter of The Cardinal who is based in a Tuscan convent, from which she will leave to go to  Leeds to organise the capture of Kim. The Red Queen has given Kim information about her past, as she has an unusual personal history and is the descendent of a powerful elite Goddess.

Kim and Sister Domexia attend a fetish club with Mistress Nemesis and a group of characters who attend The Red Queen’s domain. Kim is kidnapped and taken to a church in an underground cave in the Dordogne in southern France where the Cardinal has told Sister Domexia  to take Kim where he intends to meet her and then incarcerate her. These plans do not work out as planned though because Kim has been able to escape from where she’s been incarcerated and establishes her own role in the forests of Dordogne.

A conflict involving Kim, Sister Domexia, The Cardinal and The Red Queen takes place in Leeds as all the characters are left to work out how they should behave to settle the difficult positions they find themselves in. Can Kim find a way to resolve how she needs to behave in response to the difficult place she finds herself in? How will Kim plan her future now that she finds herself in a conflicted situation?

Available from: https://books2read.com/adventures2snano



Sister Domexia’s day was not going as planned. She had been looking forward to inflicting her inimitable style of physical and psychological torment on the girl before the Cardinal arrived in the Dordogne to decide what to do with her. That had not gone as expected. The girl had escaped. She was not in the church so Sister Domexia assumed she had fled into the surrounding, heavily wooded, landscape.

She went back to her cell to fetch her gun. The events of the day had convinced Sister Domexia that Kim was a dangerous adversary even though she couldn’t yet explain how.

She mulled over the events of the day in her head, coming to reflect on the account brought back by the monk leading a search party. Aurochs, ibex, bison, cave lions! What nonsense. These beasts belong to the stone age. But, what if? Surely that was impossible

She took a deep breath… and plunged into the forest.

She came to a large clearing of the woods.  She took a few steps into the circle surrounded by trees and waited. She felt the energy around this place; it was palpable like you could reach out and touch it. Stood there, alone, awaiting the arrival of the figure who had come to represent a nemesis for her, she had a sense of impending doom and unease. Who was this girl? What inexplicable powers did she possess that made the Cardinal and His Holiness so concerned about her?

She saw pinpoints of yellow within the shadowy outlines of the trees. Eyes. The eyes of woodland beasts glowering menacingly at her through the surrounding trees. Kim was nearby. She felt it.

She heard a rustle. Before she knew it a huge beast had leapt out of the trees, its massive paws outstretched as it pounced at her. She jumped backwards in terror, stumbling to the ground on her backside. It was a lion. But this was no ordinary lion, it was a cave lion, a beast from pre-history, maybe half as large again as an ordinary lion and twice as fearsome. She recognised it from photographs she’d seen of cave paintings. Sister Domexia gasped. So it was true. The monks who’d come back from the forest with tales of animals long extinct in this area were right. Sister Domexia scrambled back up to her feet. The lion confronted her, snarling and growling as it padded back and forth before her. This was no illusion. She could see every bristle of fur, ripple of muscle and razor edge of tooth, and smell the beast’s animal odour.

More creatures emerged from the trees and dispersed to encircle Sister Domexia by taking up positions around the edge of the clearing. A group of antlered reindeer led the way, followed by a few curved-horned ibex, some aurochs, and, lastly, a herd of woolly-haired bison crashed through the trees; animals either extinct or unknown in these parts for centuries. What manner of sorcery could summon up the beasts in cave paintings and bring them to life?

The beasts parted to create an opening out of which a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Kim but like Sister Domexia had never seen her before. She was naked, her body caked in wet mud, her legs covered in scratches from running through the forest’s undergrowth. Her wavy blonde hair, dripping with rain, hung around her shoulders. Her face was daubed with lines in red ochre like war-paint; one across her forehead another from her forehead down her nose and a series of zig-zag strokes along her cheeks, and there were concentric circles painted around her nipples in red. Kim looked wild and dishevelled whilst also conveying an aura of shamanic power. She possessed an other-worldly puissance and looked incredibly sexy.

Sister Domexia could have pulled out her gun. She could have shot the cave lion and then killed Kim but she was mesmerised and riveted to the spot. And what would a gun avail her with the kind of wild magic she faced here. Besides, she wanted this encounter; it was why she’d entered the forest in the first place, to pit herself against this adversary. Seeing how Kim had revealed herself and the wild magic she was capable of commanding, it now appeared a mismatch to Sister Domexia. But she would not surrender easily, she would fight the girl to the bitter end if necessary.

Kim’s look was inscrutable; if she was angry with hatred, as she would be justified in being, it did not show in her eyes.

It was Kim who broke the silence between the two women.

“You underestimated me, didn’t you? I saw the look of contempt in your eyes for the ‘little submissive girl’. You thought you could get the better of me; that when you finally got me in your grasp away from the protection of Nemesisland you’d be able to punish and humiliate me. Didn’t work out like that, did it? And yes, I underestimated myself too. Look now. The souls from 20,000 year old animals painted on cave walls spirited from the rocks and brought to life. Pretty impressive, heh.”

Sister Domexia couldn’t deny it. She glared wide-eyed at the menagerie of prehistoric beasts encircling her.

“Do you want to see my latest party piece?”

Kim spread her arms out, the palms of her hands facing upwards. She screwed up her eyes in a gesture of intense concentration. A spark leapt up from her palm and shot upwards as a bolt of lightning into the heavens. It reached the skies and exploded into forks of dazzling white which illuminated the arena of trees like a spotlight. The thunder roared like the cave lion which circled Sister Domexia with an angry growl. It rumbled all around the forest causing the canopy of trees to sway in its awesome breath. Then the heavens opened. A deluge of rain descended on them so hard it hit like a slashing whip.

“JEEZUS CHRIST! WHAT THE FUCK!” Sister Domexia screamed.

It was the only way to be heard above the tumult in the skies. The rain poured over them in a deluge, the water streaming over Kim’s face and running like a torrent down her naked body. She took a few steps forward.

Invoking the Lord Christ was a curse Sister Domexia rarely used and reserved it only for the utmost extremity, but it was merited right now. She was trying to process what was happening. This was like confronting the Old Testament God who could raise plagues, pestilences and floods.

She shouted, “Very impressive. Go on. Bring the heavens down on me. Get your beasts to tear my body apart if you want. Don’t think I’m afraid of you. I’ve suffered for the Holy Church, I’ve been made strong for it, there’s nothing you can do to break my will. So have your vengeance. Set the wild animals on me. See if I care. You’ll not break my spirit.”

It was an inspired speech of defiance and threat which masked Sister Domexia’s sheer terror. Seeing Kim now, revealed with her aura of wild magic, she was locked in a grip of fear. So this is what the Cardinal had hidden from her, what the Holy Church feared? She began to understand.

They both looked down and noted the hidden gun now openly visible. Sister Domexia knew it was there. Knew she could have reached for it. But she couldn’t or maybe daren’t. When it came to it she didn’t have the willpower, didn’t even want to shoot Kim. She sensed this confrontation needed to be played out to its end.

“Go on strike me down with lightening, savage me. Do whatever the fuck you want with me,” the rain so intense water sprayed from Sister Domexia’s lips as she spoke.

Kim’s hands strayed down to the nun’s hips and ran along the curve of her buttocks, pulling them together.

“Why would I do that? In my moment of victory I can afford to be generous. I don’t want to hurt you or kill you. What purpose would that serve. No, I want you.”

Kim lifted her hands to place one on each of Sister Domexia’s cheeks. Her touch was tender, loving. Then she leant in for a kiss. Their lips touched. The rain poured down their faces and into their mouths mingling with the moisture on their lips. They kissed passionately. Kim brought her hands behind Sister Domexia’s head and buried them into her bedraggled, sopping, auburn hair. Pulling them tighter together Kim drove her tongue into Sister Domexia’s mouth. Their kiss was long, deep, and lusty.  When their lips parted Sister Domexia was left panting. I didn’t expect that. I really did not expect that.

“I don’t understand. Why don’t you want revenge? From the moment we met we’ve never got on, let alone been attracted. I’m a sadist, I would have really hurt you if I’d been allowed. It was only the instruction not to harm you that held me back.

Kim shrugged. “I know you would have. But still, what purpose does it serve me now to hurt you. Besides, you’re not my foe, not really. It’s the forces behind you who are my real adversary. Who controls you? Why do they want me?”

“I work for the Holy Church. I do whatever is necessary, whatever I’m told, to protect it. I get my instructions from a powerful person in the church establishment. I’m an agent to protect the faith. I do what is necessary that the church dare not admit.”

“The Pope!?”

“No. Not directly. I work for a Cardinal. The Pope’s fixer if you like, Cardinal Spinola.”

“Why does he want me? What does he know about me?”

The lightening cracked, the thunder rumbled, and the torrent of rain still poured down. The beasts hovered threateningly around them.

“Look. Fuck. Look at the this shit,” she bellowed. “He’s scared. I don’t know what he knows. He never shared that. I just know the church is afraid of you. And with good reason.”

“Bring him to me.”

“What, the Cardinal?”

“Yes, bring him to me, Sister.”


Author Biography

S. Nano is an erotic writer who writes stories with dark and exotic content drawing on the themes of female supremacy, goddess worship, bondage, domination and submission, sado-masochism and fetish, frequently in fantasy, paranormal or historical settings.

His work usually has dominant female characters and submissive males. His stories explore the tensions between dominant and submissive and the boundaries between pain and pleasure, physical and mental bondage and retribution and reward.

Three of his novels have recently been published by House of Erotica. They are all featured here because they have been re-released. Some of his short stories and novellas have also been published by House of Erotica whilst other works of his have been published by Xcite Books, Excessica, Forbidden Fiction, Greenwoman Publishing, Coming Together and Sinful Press.

S. Nano lives in Yorkshire in the United Kingdom.

Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.

The post OUT NOW—Adventures in Fetishland Book 2 – The White Queen by S. Nano first appeared on Erotica For All.

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